Alkaline Cell Kit, Pt Working Electrode

An alkaline resistant electrochemical celldesigned for low volume applications. The overall cell volume is 15 mL and canbe used down to approximately 5 mL. The low volume PTFE cell designed toaccommodate three LowProfile electrodes (working, counter, and reference). Thecell kits consist of the cell, the Low Volume Cell Cap Kit, and two gaspurge/sparge tubes.  The Low Volume Cell Series Cap Kit is a unique designthat allows for the sealing of all probes and electrodes in the cap, which thenseals to the cell to allow a closed cell system for use on the bench. Some of the unique features of this product include:




WORKING ELECTRODE TEMPERATURE RANGE: 10°C –30°C — Electrode damage may occur at temperatures beyond recommended range.

An alkaline resistant electrochemical celldesigned for low volume applications. The overall cell volume is 15 mL and canbe used down to approximately 5 mL. The low volume PTFE cell designed toaccommodate three LowProfile electrodes (working, counter, and reference). Thecell kits consist of the cell, the Low Volume Cell Cap Kit, and two gaspurge/sparge tubes.  The Low Volume Cell Series Cap Kit is a unique designthat allows for the sealing of all probes and electrodes in the cap, which thenseals to the cell to allow a closed cell system for use on the bench. The kitincludes:




Cell material   PTFE, solid

Cell volume   5 - 15 mL

Cap material   PEEK, solid

Platinum working electrode   1.6 mm OD Pt, PCTFE shroud